Admission to School - Information for Parents 2024-2025
In this section
- Introduction
- SECTION A - Admissions to Carmarthenshire School
- Normal admissions arrangements for the academic year 2024 - 25
- When to apply
- At what age can children start school?
- Admission to secondary schools including sixth form
- Choosing a school – Catchment areas
- How to apply
- Awarding Places – Over-Subscription Criteria
- Moving/Changing Schools Outside the normal admissions arrangements. (Mid/In Year Transfers)
- Notification of Offer of a Place at a School
- Appeals regarding admission of pupils to community / voluntary controlled primary or secondary schools
- Admission To Voluntary Aided Schools
- SECTION B - Information on Education and Learning
- The Teaching of Welsh and English in Carmarthenshire Schools
- Information on Education and Learning
- SECTION C - Services to Pupils
- SECTION D - Carmarthenshire Schools and Pupil Summary
- SECTION E - Carmarthenshire Schools: Nursery Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Community Primary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Secondary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Aided Secondary School
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Special Schools
How to apply
Key Facts:
Once the parent/carer/corporate parent has decided upon the school they wish their child/children to attend it is a requirement for them to submit an application to the appropriate Admissions Authority. Parents/guardians are asked to rank the school choice by 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
For Community and Voluntary Controlled schools this can be done:-
Directly online using the Local Authority’s website; or
Council Customer Service Centres; or
By contacting the school.
No Community or Voluntary Controlled Primary School can authorise the admission of a pupil they can only help with the application form by appointment.
For Voluntary Aided Schools
Apply Direct to school
Online application via Carmarthenshire County Authority Website.
Completing the application form
Parental/Guardian Responsibility
Where parental/Guardian responsibility is stated then you must have consulted with and received the approval of all parties with parental responsibility before applying.
Parental Preference - School Choices
Parents will be able to apply online for a place in a maximum of three schools on the application form. It’s recommended parents/guardians apply for 3 choices to increase the chance of securing a place at a school of preference.
Parents/guardians who chose to apply for 2 or 3 schools will have to rank them in order of preference (i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice).
Initially all applications will be considered equally, but if a place in the 1st choice is offered, places will not be offered in either the 2nd or 3rd choice of schools.
If the 1st choice is refused, your 2nd choice will then be treated as if it were a 1st choice of school. This process will continue until a place is offered or until all 3 choices are exhausted.
Parents/guardians should contact to discuss an alternative school place if all choices have been unsuccessful.
Where multiple applications are received, they are automatically processed in the order they are received. If you submit a new application, the application received the earliest will remain as your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice and your second application will be added as your 4th, 5th and 6th choice.
Changing or cancelling preferred school choices
Parents must email to change the order of their choice of school. Parents may be asked to submit a new application. Changes made after the published closing dates will be considered as late applications.
Language preference – Dual Stream and Bilingual Schools
Where a school can offer more than one language stream (for example a dual stream school), parents can express a preference for a particular stream on the application form. However, the admitting authority does not offer a place in a particular language stream only a place in the relevant year group at that school. Any language preferences should be discussed with the school once a place is offered.
Home Address
A pupil’s home address is considered to be a residential property, a dwelling or residential building not including any land attached to it, that is the child’s only or main residency. The catchment area is based on the location of the house in which the pupil lives and not any land surrounding that house and is either:-
- owned by the child’s parent(s) or the person with a defined legal parental responsibility for the child; or
- is leased to or rented by the child’s parent(s) or the person with parental responsibility under a written rental agreement, signed by the landlord and tenant, of not less than six months duration.
Proof of Address
The Authority reserves the right to request proof of address at the time an offer of a place is made. In order for the application to be considered as part of the normal admissions round then you will need to provide proof that you are residing at the address stated on the application form at the deadline date. The Authority will consider any two of the following documents as being of assistance to determine residency at a particular address:-
- An original Authority Tax or Housing Benefit bill or notification letter being not more than 12 months old;
- An original utility bill (not more than 3 months old);
- An original award letter of Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit award letter (not less than three months old and stating the name of the child/children);
- A signed and dated tenancy/lease agreement of at least six months duration but with not less than one month duration remaining;
- Original credit card or bank statement showing the address (not more than two months old);
- Written confirmation from the applicants Bank or Building Society confirming details of the change of address and also the date the change was effective from;
- Valid current photo ID driving licence.
As part of the admission process you are required to provide proof of your address in connection with your application. The Authority will seek to verify the information provided and reserves the right to require the applicant to provide any additional information it deems necessary to confirm residency or to take reasonable action to determine whether or not an application is fraudulent.
If a school place is offered on the basis of an address that is subsequently found to be different from a child’s normal and permanent address, then the place is liable to be withdrawn. If a school place is offered and a parent or person with a legal parental responsibility for a child, knowingly and willingly provides a false statement, which would affect the success of their application, they may have the place withdrawn. If no proof of residency is provided then the Authority will be unable to process the application and the place may be awarded to another pupil.
Moving Residency/Change of Address
If you intend to change residency and are applying for admission to a school based on the new address then the Authority will take steps to verify the arrangements. The Authority will also accept either a solicitor’s letter stating that contracts have been exchanged and specifying a completion date or a signed and dated tenancy agreement as indicated in (4) above. If you cannot provide proof of address by the date given for receipt of applications then your application will be based on your current address.
Shared Responsibility
Where there is shared responsibility for a child, and the child lives with both parents, or persons with a legal parental responsibility for the child, for part of the week, then the main residence will be determined as the address that the child lives for the majority of the week. Where there is 50/50 residency it will be the address of the parent who is in receipt of Child Benefit. Parents may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used when offering a place.
Additional and Special Learning needs (ALN/SEN)
Parents must note if a pupil has any Special or Additional Learning needs on the application form when asked. This information will help schools plan ahead to put provision in place for pupils should they be admitted to the school. The ALN/SEN department will be asked to verify these applications.
Gypsy and Traveller Children
The Authority is obliged, by statute, to ensure that all children of compulsory school age receive education that is appropriate to their age, abilities and any special educational needs, and promotes high standards in the provision of education and the welfare of children. These obligations apply to all children whether or not they are permanent residents in the area. Admission applications made in respect of gypsy and traveller families will be dealt with, with a view to placing these children as quickly as possible at the nearest available and appropriate school.