Admission to School - Information for Parents 2024-2025
In this section
- Introduction
- SECTION A - Admissions to Carmarthenshire School
- Normal admissions arrangements for the academic year 2024 - 25
- When to apply
- At what age can children start school?
- Admission to secondary schools including sixth form
- Choosing a school – Catchment areas
- How to apply
- Awarding Places – Over-Subscription Criteria
- Moving/Changing Schools Outside the normal admissions arrangements. (Mid/In Year Transfers)
- Notification of Offer of a Place at a School
- Appeals regarding admission of pupils to community / voluntary controlled primary or secondary schools
- Admission To Voluntary Aided Schools
- SECTION B - Information on Education and Learning
- The Teaching of Welsh and English in Carmarthenshire Schools
- Information on Education and Learning
- SECTION C - Services to Pupils
- SECTION D - Carmarthenshire Schools and Pupil Summary
- SECTION E - Carmarthenshire Schools: Nursery Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Community Primary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Secondary Schools
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Aided Secondary School
- Carmarthenshire Schools: Special Schools
The Teaching of Welsh and English in Carmarthenshire Schools
In line with Welsh Government guidance (January 2022) all schools and Local Authorities in Wales must state in which language they intend to teach. From PLASC January 2024 the new school categories will be introduced in nationally.
The linguistic provision couples closely with: the County's Welsh in Education Strategic Plan; contributing towards the Welsh Government's target of having a million Welsh speakers by 2050; embedding Proposals to teach the Languages and Communications Area of Learning and Experience of the new Curriculum for Wales as well as obliging to the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
As a result, there is a clear expectation that all schools will develop provision that increases the use of Welsh in the formal and extra-curricular curriculum, as a means of achieving the County's recognised 10-year WESP between 2022-2032.
The Local Authority and the School will need to agree the most suitable category based on current provision from the following new list:
Category 1 - English-medium School
English is the school’s main language of internal communication as well as with parents and carers. There is recognition that creating a Welsh language ethos within the school will support and encourage positive attitudes towards Welsh language use. A learner in a school of this category will be able to read, write, speak and listen in English according to their age and ability, and will have some understanding of Welsh. Welsh is taught as part of the Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) for languages, literacy and communication At least 15% of the learners’ school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) will be in Welsh.
Category 2 - Dual language School
Welsh and English will be used for internal communication as well as with parents and carers. There is clear understanding that maintaining a Welsh language ethos within the school will support positive attitudes towards Welsh language use. A learner in a school of this category will be able to speak, read, write and listen in English and Welsh according to age and ability. Welsh language skills will be further strengthened by increasing the amount of learning opportunities (curricular as well as extra-curricular) offered through the medium of Welsh. Where Welsh is used as a medium of learning, occasional English is used at times to reinforce the learners' understanding. With the right support, learners could progress to a Category 3 Welsh-medium secondary school. At least 50% of the learners’ school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) will be in Welsh. This could be achieved in different ways depending on the school's context. It could be by using full Welsh-medium immersion up to age 7 with choice offered in the other year groups, or that 50% of school activities are in Welsh throughout.
Category 3 - Welsh-medium School
Welsh is the school’s main language of internal communication. Communication with parents and carers is in either English, Welsh or bilingually as needed. This is a school with a strong Welsh language ethos at its core, supporting and enabling learners’ Welsh language use in all social context in and outside of school. In a Welsh immersion setting all learners are taught fully in Welsh, with English being used on occasion to ensure understanding during early immersion. From aged 7 onwards at least 80% of learner’s school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) will be in Welsh.
Secondary Schools
Category 1 - English-medium School
English is the school’s main language of internal communication as well as with parents and carers. There is recognition that creating a Welsh language ethos within the school will support and encourage positive attitudes towards Welsh language use. A learner in a school of this category will be taught mainly through the medium of English, and will be able to speak, read, write and listen in English according to age and ability. Welsh is taught as part of the Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) for languages, literacy and communication At least 15% of the learners’ school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) will be in Welsh.
Category 2 - Dual language School
Welsh and English will be used for internal communication as well as with parents and carers. There is clear understanding that maintaining a Welsh language ethos within the school will support positive attitudes towards Welsh language use. A learner in a school of this category will be able to speak, read, write and listen in English and Welsh according to their age and ability. Welsh language skills will be further strengthened by increasing the amount of learning opportunities (curricular as well as extra-curricular) offered through the medium of Welsh. Depending on the amount of time devoted to learning through the medium of Welsh and use of the Welsh language outside the classroom, learners would be able to apply their Welsh skills in a range of different Areas of Learning and Experience. At least 40% of learners undertaking at least 40% of school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) in Welsh.
Category 3 – Welsh-medium School
Welsh is the main language for internal communication. The school will communicate with parents and carers in either Welsh, English or bilingually as needed. There is a robust Welsh ethos, supporting and enabling learners to use Welsh in all social contexts in and outside of the school. Your child will be able to speak, read, write and listen in Welsh and English according to age and ability.
Category 3 – Welsh-medium School offers a wide range of their Areas of Learning and Experience through the medium of Welsh. At least 60% of learners undertaking at least 70% of their school activities (curricular and extra-curricular) will be Welsh. Category 3 schools are expected to continue to reflect the linguistic context of the area whilst working towards increasing their Welsh-medium provision over time.
A Category 3P School – Designated Welsh-medium School – delivers all Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) through the medium of Welsh. 100% of learners will undertake at least 90% of their school activities (curricular and extra-curricular) in Welsh.
Transitional Sub-categories T2 and T3
These are bridging categories between two main language categories. These transitional arrangements enable schools to plan how they will realise an increase in Welsh-medium provision over time. Increasing the Welsh-medium provision, in order to move to the next category, is the aim of the transitional sub-categories. Therefore, T2 bridges a category 1 and 2 school, with the aim of becoming a category 2 over time and T3 bridges a category 2 and 3 school with a goal of becoming a category 3 School over time.