Cam Nesa
Page updated on: 01/10/2024
Cam Nesa is a European Funded project working with young people between 16 – 24 yrs who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).
We can work with you on a one to one basis to gain confidence, offer emotional support and eventually help you progress into employment, education or training.
Our team of professional workers includes:
- Post 16 Youth Support Workers
- Emotional Health Support Worker
- ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Young People’s Support Workers
We aim to:
- Identify NEET young people within the 16-24 age group
- Assess the young person’s individual circumstances and factors that contribute to their becoming NEET
- Identify and deliver appropriate individualised support to help the NEET young person
- Where appropriate, provide careers advice and qualifications for employment
- Offer appropriate work experience with employers selected to best suit the needs of the NEET young person.
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