Supplier Guide to Tendering
In this section
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What do we spend our money on?
- 3. Where and with whom is our money spent?
- 4. How We Buy
- 5. What rules, regulations & procurement procedures do we follow?
- 6. How does the tendering process work?
- 7. Where do we advertise our contract opportunities
5. What rules, regulations & procurement procedures do we follow?
Our procurement practices are prescribed by the Welsh Government’s Wales Procurement Policy Statement. The Policy Statement follows ten principles for procuring well-being for Wales based on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act Goals and key Welsh Government policies. This includes collaborative, sustainable and progressive procurement activity integrating long-term value outcomes.
We adhere to all relevant codes of practice, procedures, rules, regulations and directives to ensure that all procurement obtains best value for money at all times; and is undertaken in an open, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. We are committed to achieving maximum value for money from the public purse by delivering environmental, social, economic and cultural benefits to our communities wherever possible.
Every contract made by or on behalf of Carmarthenshire County Council must comply with the following:
- National Legislation (Public Contracts Regulations 2015)
- Our Contract Procedure Rules
- Financial Procedure Rules for Schools
Tenders/Contracts below these values do not need to comply with the full Public Procurement Regulations but must comply with our Contract Procedure Rules. However ALL Tenders/Contracts must comply with the principles of procurement; namely treating economic operators equally and without discrimination and shall act in a transparent and proportionate manner.
Welsh Language
We are a bi-lingual Council with many first language speaking clients and are required to comply with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and Welsh Language Statement 2021 which gives official status to the Welsh Language in Wales. The Welsh Language Standards that must be adhered to require us to use the Welsh Language and enable Welsh speakers to access its services through the medium of Welsh.
We have a duty to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh Language in the county and to treat the Welsh Language no less favourably than the English language in all its services. As required, Welsh Language requirements will be clearly stipulated in contract notices and the tender or quotation documentation.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act
The Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFG) 2015 focusses on improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.
The WFG Act requires public bodies, such as the Council, to think more about the long term impact of their decisions, work better with people, communities, and each other, and to prevent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change and take a more joined up- approach. This will help to create a community that we all want to live in, now and in the future.
The sustainable development principle’s five ways of working underpin everything we do and “ensure we act in a manner that seeks to ensure the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. The five ways of working make sure a consistent delivery model is in place and are long-term, prevention, involvement, integration and collaboration. To make sure well-being outcomes are maximised, the Act puts in place 7 Well-being Goals.
The Well-being Goals are for everyone in Wales to work towards, and we as a public body must also show that they are making decisions and taking actions to maximise contribution to these goals. We will strive to deliver the goals of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act through a holistic approach to our procurement process and including where relevant specific provisions within the procurement documents.
Carmarthenshire has 13 Well-Being Objectives which range from helping children to live healthy lives to promoting the Welsh language and culture. These objectives contribute to our achievements of the seven national Well-being goals for Wales.