School transport FAQ's

Page updated on: 01/10/2024

Our FAQ's are for any queries that you may have in relation to school transport.

Timetables are available to view on our website. Once you have received your travel pass, please make sure that the stopping details shown are correct, as bus / taxi drivers will only be able to pick up and drop off pupils at the locations shown on the travel passes, and at the points shown on the timetables.

Pupils who are starting at a new school need to re-apply as a matter of urgency.

College students need to apply for transport via their college - not through the council.

Yes, it is important that families who have changed address re-apply as soon as possible.

Please email with pupil name, date of birth, address and full details on the error.

Please email with pupil name, date of birth, address and confirming your return to sixth form.

Pupils who are starting at a new school also need to re-apply as a matter of urgency.

If parents do not intend to make use of a free school transport place for their child they should contact providing the name, date of birth and child’s school.

If you have lost or damaged your bus pass you can now order a replacement bus pass online for a fee of £6.00.

order replacement bus pass