Non-Domestic Rates Relief
Page updated on: 02/04/2024
The Non-Domestic Rates Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief scheme is aimed at businesses and other ratepayers in Wales in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors, for example shops, pubs and restaurants, gyms, performance venues and hotels.
The Welsh Government will provide grant funding in Wales to provide the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief scheme to eligible businesses for 2024-25. The scheme aims to provide support for eligible occupied properties by offering a discount of 40% on non-domestic rates bills for such properties. The scheme will apply to all eligible businesses, however the relief will be subject to a cap in the amount each business can claim across Wales. The total amount of relief available is £110,000 across all properties occupied by the same business. All businesses are required to make a declaration that the amount of relief they are seeking across Wales does not exceed this cap, when applying to individual local authorities.
More information can be found on the Business Wales website.
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- What you can use the grant for
- What you cannot use the grant for
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- Eligibility
- What you can use the grant for
- What you cannot use the grant for
- Second hand equipment
- Application and Assessment
- Procurement rules - Getting quotes
- Welsh Language Standards
- Subsidy Control
- Post Completion - Terms and Conditions
- Claw Back of Grant Funds
- How to Apply
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Non-Domestic Rates – Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief in Wales 2024-25
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- The Offer
- Eligibility
- What you can use the grant for
- Outputs
- Application Process and Assessment
- Procurement rules
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- Claw back of grant funds
- Submission checklist
- How to apply