Strategic Equality Plan

This Strategic Equality Plan sets out the principles of our commitment to equality and diversity and outlines how we intend to fulfil our responsibilities as an employer, a service provider and as a community leader. 

We are committed to treating our staff, and the people of Carmarthenshire, fairly. We will make sure that we do not discriminate against people because of their age, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, belief or non-belief, social class, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, responsibility for dependents or for any other unfair reason. 

We are committed to ensuring the delivery of excellent public services to everyone living, working, studying and visiting Carmarthenshire. 

This Plan outlines how we will promote equality and diversity from 2024 until 2028, some of the practical steps we will be taking to put our commitments into practice and how we will monitor our performance and the effectiveness of this Strategic Plan. 


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