Performance Management

Page updated on: 20/12/2024

Performance Management is how we measure our performance; we use this information to identify areas of concern which require further improvement as well as acknowledging and promoting areas of high performance and success. Where a need to make improvements is identified we would then develop an action to plan to deliver these improvements. The main aim of performance management is to help services to achieve better outcomes.

Without reliable, timely and accurate performance management information, it is difficult for residents, members, scrutiny bodies and officers to know:

  • How the Council is performing
  • Where services can be developed
  • Are the Council’s key priorities being achieved?

This information needs to be easily accessible, open and meaningful to members of the public and scrutiny bodies. It is necessary for regular statements on performance to be answerable to the wider community to show our local residents and businesses how their local taxes are being spent.

Our Plans...

Following adopting and publishing our Corporate Strategy in March 2023, it is good practise to review it annually to ensure the Strategy and its Well-being Objective Priorities are still valid and relevant. It also allows us to refresh our Delivery Plans and make minor adjustments to the content of the Objectives. Therefore we publish a refresh to reflect changes.

Our plans set out our Well-being Objective Priorities for the year ahead and include:

  • How they were selected
  • What they are
  • Why they are important
  • What we are going to do
  • How we will measure our success

Local Government, throughout the UK, is currently experiencing severe budgetary constraints. There is increasing demand and expectation, yet less resources are available. Under these conditions, we need to work even more efficiently and effectively, to maintain services and improve where we can. There is an increasing need to focus on efficiency – delivering ‘more (or even the same) for less’.

We believe in making comprehensive information available to the public so that they can see our plans for the future and judge how successful we have been. All the actions and targets in the plan will be monitored throughout the year and reported on at year-end.

External regulators validate our self-assessment. Our Plans comply with the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) and the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 which requires us to publish two plans each year – a forward looking plan and a retrospective annual report at the end of the year.

This is normally published the following Autumn once all financial and performance information have been checked - this is a self evaluation and we try to be as open and honest as we can.

Our Annual Review of Performance Report sets out how we are maximising our contributions to our Well-being Objectives and Well-being of Future Generations Act National Goals.

We use customer satisfaction data, performance indicator results and comparisons and external regulators findings to inform our findings. Our balanced and fair approach to performance reporting has been recognised by our external regulators.

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