How do I vote?
Page updated on: 02/09/2024
Voting gives you a chance to voice your opinion on important issues that affect you, your local area and your country.
You must be:
- Registered on the Electoral Register
- Be 16 years or older
- Resident in the UK
- A British Citizen
- An Irish Citizen
- A Commonwealth citizen (including Maltese and Cypriot) who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or who does not need permission.
- A foreign national who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or who does not need permission (you can vote in Senedd and local Council elections only)
- A European Union (EU) citizen (you can vote in Senedd and local council elections and may be ablet to vote in Police and Crime Commissioner elections)
How to vote
There are 3 ways to vote:
- Visit your nearest polling station in person, on Poll Day
- Send your ballot paper back to us in the post
- Appoint a proxy (another person) to vote on your behalf either in person or by post
You will receive a poll card in the post approximately 2 to 3 weeks before a forthcoming Poll Day.
This poll card will show which of the 3 ways you have chosen to vote.
Voting in person
When you vote in person, you will visit the polling station allocated to you based on your address on your electoral address.
Near the election date you will be sent an official poll card telling you when Election Day is and where your local polling station is. You can vote there between 7am and 10pm on Election Day.
You can only vote in person at your allocated polling station.
For UK Parliamentary and Police and Crime Commissioner elections, you need to take photo ID to confirm your identity before you can vote.
You will need to give your name and address to the staff inside the polling station when you arrive. Depending on which election is being held, you might have to show your photo ID.
You will be given a ballot paper which has details of how to vote and the voting options for the poll or referendum. If you need any help to cast your vote, please ask the staff in the polling station.
Postal vote
Instead of going to your polling station you can apply to have a postal vote. Postal Votes are available to everyone and can be sent to any address, even abroad, but do bear in mind that your ballot paper must be returned to us before close of poll on the day of election.
Voting by proxy
If you are unable to go to the polling station on polling day you can apply to have a proxy vote: this is where you appoint somebody to vote for you. That person then goes along to your polling station and casts your vote.
The closing date for the receipt of your application form is six days before the day of election (excluding weekends and bank holidays). In certain circumstances, where you have an emergency that means you cannot go to the polling station in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy up to 5pm on the day of the poll.
Postal voting by proxy
If your proxy is going to be away from your home on election day, they you can apply for their proxy ballot paper to be posted to them.
The closing date for the receipt of your application form is six days before the day of election (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Request a postal voting by proxy application form by calling us on 01267 228 889.
Returning your application forms
You must return your postal / proxy application forms to the following address:
Electoral Services Unit, Block 4, Parc Myrddin, Richmond Terrace, Carmarthen, SA31 1HQ
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Elections & Voting
- UK Parliamentary General Election
- Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2024
- Senedd Elections 2026
- Voting
- Eligibility to vote
- How do I vote?
- Changes to Postal and Proxy Voting
- Register to vote
- Update your details on the Electoral Register
- How to opt-out of the open register
- Viewing the Electoral Register
- By-elections
- My nearest - Election information
- Help for Disabled Voters
- Voter ID
- Recruitment for elections
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