Dog Fouling Resource Pack

Page updated on: 05/02/2025

Dog Fouling pack

Approximately 34% of households own at least one dog in the UK. Our treasured pets produce more than 1,000 tons of faeces every day, most of which is deposited in public areas. Dog owners can bag and bin this waste in any Council litter bin when they are out walking their pet, but many irresponsible owners leave it behind with predictable consequences. Our Enforcement Officers cannot catch everyone in the act, so for those of us fed up with number twos on our shoes! we have created a resource pack to help communities take action in their area.

Our dog fouling pack includes:                         

2 x pink chalk spray cans
1 x bag it bin it stencil
1 x dog paws stencil
1 x footprints stencil
10 x dog fouling stickers
1 x Dog owners in Carmarthenshire guide
1 x Dog walkers code leaflet
10 x posters

Based on research by Keep Wales Tidy, the pack aims to nudge and guide people to the nearest litter bin to dispose of their dog waste. Guidance and assistance will be given on how to use the pack and how to record your progress. Remember to use #BagitBinit in your socials!

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