Page updated on: 19/10/2024
Cynnydd is a project that supports pupils aged between 11 and 18 who are identified as being at great risk of disengaging from education. This could be due to attendance, attainment, behaviour or other reasons. Supporting this group of young people helps them complete their formal education and progress to further learning, training or employment.
We offered an alternative curriculum over 3 days a week until June 2018. We still offer engagement support delivered by our School Engagement team and the Transition to Adult Communities team that work in secondary schools across the county. We also offer emotional wellbeing support and work very closely with the Coleg Sir Gâr Cynnydd Team to support young people as they progress into college. Careers Wales support is also available to raise aspirations, link in with employers and prepare young people for work placements in Key Stage 4.
If you have concerns, you can contact your child’s Head of Year or Head Teacher to discuss a referral to Cynnydd and how we can help support your child. For more information, please contact Tina Grech Cynnydd Project Manager on 01267 246653 or Mat Dick, Cynnydd Data Officer on 01267 246640 or email us on