Submission Documents

Page updated on: 15/01/2025

The Council submitted the 2nd Deposit Revised LDP and associated documents to the Welsh Government and Planning Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) for examination, under section 64(1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 on the 10th June 2024. The aim of the examination is to ensure that the plan is “sound”, and that the views of all those who have commented have been considered.

Nicola Gulley MA MRTPI and Ian Stevens BA (Hons) MCD MRTPI have been appointed by PEDW to examine the LDP. The examination hearing sessions are expected to commence in October 2024, and PEDW aim to submit the Inspector’s Report to us in May 2025. Further details on the examination and hearing sessions are available on the Independent Examination webpage. A Programme Officer, Corinne Sloley has been appointed to manage the examination and will be in contact with respondents shortly, in the meantime, she can be contacted by email:

The submission documents are listed below by category, and a hyperlink is provided which will navigate you to each document.

Full Submission list

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